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Use this link to open a PDF version of the by-laws signed by Berrien Mental Health Authority (BMHA) on March 19, 2014

Berrien County Suicide Prevention Coalition




The name of this committee shall be the Berrien County Suicide Prevention Coalition.




The Berrien County Suicide Prevention Coalition is created pursuant to the Berrien Mental Health Authority Board Committee Principles. (12-03-06).


The Suicide Prevention Coalition operates under the authority of the Berrien Mental Health Authority (BMHA) Board and is accountable to the Board for its decisions and actions. The Suicide Prevention Coalition has the authority to undertake the specific duties contained in the committee’s purpose statement. The Suicide Prevention Coalition shall have the authority to undertake such other duties as the Board may authorize from time to time.



The Suicide Prevention Coalition shall report annually to the BMHA Board. The Suicide Prevention Coalition shall function with a large degree of independence in the discharge of its responsibilities. The Suicide Prevention Coalition shall assess the information provided by the BMHA management, in accordance with its business judgment; and will work in collaborative partnership with the BMHA Chief Executive Officer (CEO) in carrying out its responsibilities, and in the provision of advice and recommendations to the Board. The Board may restrict or grant powers and authority to the Suicide Prevention Coalition as it deems necessary and appropriate. The Board may dissolve the Suicide Prevention Coalition at any time and for any reason.




The purpose of the Suicide Prevention Coalition is to assist the BMHA Board and management in connecting the people of Berrien County to the information and resources they need for emotional wellness, thereby preventing suicide.

The Suicide Prevention Coalition is an advisory committee of the BMHA Board of Directors. The Suicide Prevention Coalition functions in an interagency advisory capacity and provides advice, counsel and recommendations to the BMHA Board and management regarding activities to reduce risk factors and increase protective factors regarding suicide in Berrien County.




Section 1.   Meetings.

Meetings of the Suicide Prevention Coalition shall be called by, or at the request of the Chairperson or any two (2) Committee members. All meetings of the Suicide Prevention Coalition shall be open to the public and notice of such meetings shall be given in accordance with the Open Meetings Act, Act 267 of the Public Acts of Michigan of 1976, as amended.


Section 2.   Meeting Location.

All regular meetings of the Suicide Prevention Coalition shall be held at the Riverwood Center at 1485 M-139 in Benton Harbor, Michigan or online using virtual meeting technology.


Section 3.   Quorum.

Any three (3) members of the Suicide Prevention Coalition shall constitute a quorum and a majority vote shall be necessary for the transaction of any and all business or the passage of any resolution.


Section 4.   Order of Business.

At meetings of the Suicide Prevention Coalition, business shall be transacted in such order as from time to time the Suicide Prevention Coalition may determine.




The Suicide Prevention Coalition shall consist of 5-25 members including, if possible, representatives from the primary community organizations involved in the mental health field along with other concerned individuals. Members may serve as long as they are willing and support the Committee’s purpose, subject to approval by the Board. Members will be replaced by nomination and a two-thirds vote of approval by the Suicide Prevention Coalition with final approval by the BMHA Chief Executive Officer.

Community organizations may appoint an alternate person to attend a meeting if the primary person is not able to attend. The alternate will count toward having a quorum and be able to vote on behalf of the organization.




Section 1.   Officers.

The officers of the Suicide Prevention Coalition shall consist of a Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Secretary, and such other officers as may from time to time be determined by the Suicide Prevention Coalition, each of whom shall be elected by a majority vote of the Suicide Prevention Coalition. Any two offices, other than Chairperson, may be held by the same person, but an officer shall not execute, acknowledge or verify an instrument in more than one capacity if the instrument is required by law or these Bylaws to be executed, acknowledged or verified by two (2) or more officers.


Section 2.   Election and Term of Office.

The officers of the Suicide Prevention Coalition shall be elected annually by the Suicide Prevention Coalition at its first meeting of each calendar year. If the election of officers shall not be held at such meeting, such election shall be held as soon thereafter as convenient. Each officer so elected shall serve in the office for the term of which he or she is elected and until his or her successor is elected or until his or her resignation or removal.


Section 3.   Removal.

Any officer elected by the Suicide Prevention Coalition may be removed upon the concurring vote of not less than a majority vote of the Suicide Prevention Coalition, with or without cause, whenever in its judgment the best interests of the Suicide Prevention Coalition or the Berrien Mental Health Authority would be served thereby.


Section 4.   Vacancies.

A vacancy in any office because of death, resignation, removal or otherwise may be filled at any meeting of the Suicide Prevention Coalition for the unexpired portion of the term of such office.


Section 5.   Delegation of Duties of Officer.

In the absence of any officer of the Suicide Prevention Coalition, or for any other reason that the Suicide Prevention Coalition may deem sufficient, a majority of the Suicide Prevention Coalition may delegate, from time to time and for such time as it may deem appropriate, the powers or duties of such officer to any other member of the Suicide Prevention Coalition.


Section 6.   Chairperson.

The Chairperson shall preside at meetings of the Suicide Prevention Coalition and shall sign and execute all documents in the name of the Suicide Prevention Coalition when so authorized by the Suicide Prevention Coalition and, as needed, the Berrien Mental Health Authority. He or she shall do and perform such other duties as may be fixed by these Bylaws and from time to time assigned to him or her by the Suicide Prevention Coalition.


Section 7.   Vice-Chairperson.

The Vice-Chairperson shall preside at meetings of the Suicide Prevention Coalition in the absence of the Chairperson and shall perform those additional tasks and duties assigned to him or her by the Suicide Prevention Coalition.


Section 8.   Secretary.

The Secretary shall keep or cause to be kept the minutes of all meetings of the Suicide Prevention Coalition. He or she shall have charge of all books and records, all of which shall at all reasonable times be open to inspection and examination by the public and/or by coalition members, and, in general, perform all duties incident to his or her office.



Section 1.   BMHA Support.

BMHA Staff shall support the Suicide Prevention Coalition activities by performing the following tasks:

  • Receive and disburse funds as directed by the Suicide Prevention Coalition in accordance with BMHA accounting procedures.

  • Provide routine reports of funds received and disbursed to the Suicide Prevention Coalition.

  • Reserve meeting rooms for Suicide Prevention Coalition.

  • The members of the Suicide Prevention Coalition shall be covered under the directors and officers insurance plan of the BMHA.

  • Any events or activities planned by the Suicide Prevention Coalition shall be approved by the BMHA Chief Executive Officer and shall be covered by the liability insurance of the BMHA.


Section 2.   Responsibilities of the Suicide Prevention Coalition.

The principle responsibilities of the Suicide Prevention Coalition are as follows:

  • Meet with management to review and evaluate current activities to prevent suicide in Berrien County.

  • At least annually, the Suicide Prevention Coalition shall evaluate its own performance, and provide recommendations and conclusions to the Board.

  • Review, evaluate and, when appropriate, make recommendations to the Board with respect to suicide prevention efforts.

  • Facilitate the BMHA response to community inquiries regarding activities to prevent suicide in Berrien County.

  • Regularly report to the Board on its activities, recommendations and conclusions.


Section 3.   Dissolution.

The Suicide Prevention Coalition and the BMHA may at any time and upon 60 days’ notice end their relationship. If this occurs any funds being held by the BMHA for the work of the Suicide Prevention Coalition shall be transferred as directed by the Suicide Prevention Coalition.



The Suicide Prevention Coalition may make a recommendation to the Berrien Mental Health Board to, alter, amend or repeal the Bylaws of the Suicide Prevention Coalition by a majority vote of the Suicide Prevention Coalition at any regular or special meeting, provided that a notice of intent to alter, amend or repeal the Bylaws in whole or in part has been provided in writing to each Suicide Prevention Coalition member one (1) week in advance of the meeting at which such amendment will be voted upon. Only the Berrien Mental Health Board has the authority to make, alter, amend or repeal the Bylaws of the Suicide Prevention Coalition.



Adopted:  3/19/14

Revised:  11/16/16

Revised:  8/9/22 (increased allowed membership to 15)

Revised:  1/16/25 (incresed allowed membership to 25, added virtual meetings option)


A special thanks to the following organizations who gave large donations to the Coalition during the past year:


  • JR Automation

  • Four Winds Casino

  • Southwest Michigan Association of Realtors 

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