Michigan Warmline-888-733-7753-Assistance for People with Mental Health Needs During COVID-19 Pandemic
The Warmline connects individuals with certified peer support specialists who have lived experiences of behavioral health issues, trauma or personal crises, and are trained to support and empower the callers.
The Warmline operates seven days a week from 10 a.m. to 2 a.m. at 888-PEER-753 (888-733-7753). It is intended to serve individuals living with persistent mental health challenges including anxiety, depression and trauma. Individuals in crisis, including those considering suicide, are urged to contact the Disaster Distress Helpline 24/7 at 800-985-5990 or the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 24/7 at 800-273-8255.
News release with more information
COVID-19 Hotline 734-287-7879 (for questions regarding testing and other information)
MI Works! 800-285-9675 (For individuals and businesses impacted by COVID-19)
Michigan has worked with Headspace to create a website that gives people in Michigan access to a specially-curated collection of science-backed, evidence-based guided meditations, along with at-home workouts that guide people through mindful exercises, to help address rising stress and anxiety.
Spectrum Lakeland Population Health-Recorded Video Presentations Related to COVID-19
Coping During COVID-19: Resources that Support Resiliency and Mental Well-being
COVID-19 in Our Community: The Local Impact
COVID-19 Resources Compiled by the International Association for Suicide Prevention (IASP)
The IASP has introduced a resource page that will continually be updated to contain the most relevant and current publications, research, content and tools related to suicide, suicidal behavior, suicide ideation and self harm, and the COVID-19 pandemic. Visit IASP Resource Page
COVID-19 Resources Page for College Students
The University of Michigan Depression Center's Campus Mind Works program to aid college student mental health has compiled a list of helpful resources, tools, checklists and stories for the COVID-19 pandemic. Link to Resource Page
Supporting Student Wellness During COVID-19
The University of Michigan TRAILS program seeks improve youth access to evidence-based mental health services by training school mental health professionals in effective practices. Their resources related to COVID-19 are available at this link.
Calm is a meditation, sleep and relaxation app that creates unique audio content that strengthens mental fitness and tackles some of the biggest mental health challenges of today: stress, anxiety, insomnia, and depression. The Calm app is free to download and some free content is available, but a paid subscription to Calm Premium unlocks access to Calm's entire content library.
Supporting Family/Friends with Anxiety and Depression
Articles on Mental Health
Coronavirus Anxiety - Helpful Expert Tips and Resources (Lists many articles, video’s, etc.for dealing with the anxiety around COVID-19 )
The Psychology Of Uncertainty: How To Cope With COVID-19 Anxiety
Getting Through a Pandemic When You Have a Mental Health Condition
5 Ways to Manage Your Mental Health During COVID-19
8 Ways to Help Teens Cope with Social Distancing Blues