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  • ​Create social change among men and the general population about mental health and overall wellness 

  •  Empower men to take action for their health and wellness by increasing help-seeking behavior  

  •  Reduce suicidal thoughts and deaths among men (long term)  

Man Therapy Michigan

Man Therapy Michigan is part of a larger statewide initiative, Preventing Suicide in Michigan Men (PRiSMM). PRiSMM is a statewide initiative aimed at reducing suicides in Michigan men by ten percent over five years. In partnership with statewide leaders in suicide prevention and funding from the CDC, PRiSMM utilizes a three-tier, comprehensive suicide prevention plan to reach men in urban and rural settings. PRiSMM focuses on best and evidence-based practices in community and healthcare settings, as well as a focus on upstream prevention. 


The goal of Man Therapy Michigan, is to work  to reshape the conversation about suicide prevention and men’s mental health, using stories of hope, resilience and recovery, coupled with humor, to cut through stigma and tackle issues such as depression, divorce and even suicidal thoughts head on.


Man Therapy helps men connect the dots between issues they are having - such as depression, anger, anxiety, stress, divorce, unemployment, PTSD, substance abuse or other personal and mental health issues – and encourages them to do something about it.


The website provides men approaching crisis, and the people who care about them, an online resource to go to and learn more about men’s mental health, examine their own, and consider a wide array of actions that can put them on the path to treatment and recovery.


Upon visiting, men and their loved ones can explore local and national mental health resources, real-life stories by men who have experienced and triumphed over mental health problems, a 20-Point Head Inspection where men can get a free and anonymous run-down of where they excel and where they can improve their mental health and more.  

How You Can Help

  1. Visit and familiarize yourself with the site

  2. Print or save the one-sheet flyer about the program and share it with others

  3. View our shared resource folder for posters, images and videos you can download and use to spread the word about

    • Download and print a poster and place at your workplace
      ​(One poster is designed specifically for men's bathrooms)

    • Materials are available for specific groups, such as first responders, healthcare workers, primary care doctors, hunters, farmers, parents and veterans.


A special thanks to the following organizations who gave large donations to the Coalition during the past year:


  • JR Automation

  • Four Winds Casino

  • Southwest Michigan Association of Realtors 

© 2019 Berrien Cares

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