Spectrum Lakeland Population Health--Recorded Video Presentations Related to COVID-19
COVID-19 Resources Compiled by the International Association for Suicide Prevention (IASP)
The IASP has introduced a resource page that will continually be updated to contain the most relevant and current publications, research, content and tools related to suicide, suicidal behavior, suicide ideation and self harm, and the COVID-19 pandemic.
COVID-19 Resources Page for College Students
The University of Michigan Depression Center's Campus Mind Works program to aid college student mental health has compiled a list of helpful resources, tools, checklists and stories for the COVID-19 pandemic. Link to Resource Page
Supporting Student Wellness During COVID-19
The University of Michigan TRAILS program seeks improve youth access to evidence-based mental health services by training school mental health professionals in effective practices. Their resources related to COVID-19 are available at this link.
Helpful COVID-19 Articles