BCSPC is growing, and we want to ensure success in this new year; therefore, there will be two workgroups created: 5K Run/Walk and Nonprofit/501c3.
The initial meeting information is below. If you cannot attend these initial meetings but still want to be part of either/both workgroups, please reach out at berriencaresmi@gmail.com.
5K Run/Walk
This workgroup will plan a 5K Run/Walk for Suicide Prevention Month in September. We want an earlier start with this for 2025 for more awareness and promotion.
Initial Meeting: Monday, February 10 from 12pm to 1pm via Microsoft Teams
Meeting ID: 247 446 509 414
Passcode: Xt2Ui6t2
This workgroup will guide our coalition into becoming a 501c3 nonprofit organization. With our increase in donations and sponsors this year, we want to put those funds into becoming our own entity to be eligible to apply for grants and further the mission of suicide prevention.
Initial Meeting: Tuesday, February 18 from 12pm to 1pm via Microsoft Teams
Meeting ID: 232 467 132 460
Passcode: dn67VP7W