Suicide Prevention Training Available for Berrien County
Safety Planning for Youth Suicide Prevention-Free Online Course
The Suicide Prevention Resource Center has released a new online course, Safety Planning for Youth Suicide Prevention. This free, self-paced one-hour course is designed for health, behavioral health, and mental health clinicians as well as students in clinical training programs.
In this course, participants will develop their knowledge and skills in using the Stanley-Brown Safety Planning Intervention, an evidence-based collaborative intervention for clinicians and clients at risk of suicide. Participants will learn the core elements of the Safety Planning Intervention, strategies for collaborating with young clients and their family members, and ways to overcome challenges. This online course is approved by the National Association of Social Workers for one continuing education contact hour.
A half-day alertness training that prepares anyone age 15 or older, regardless of prior experience or training, to become a suicide-alert helper. More information is at: LivingWorks safeTALK - LivingWorks
Contact: Randy Miota - Lakeland Health, Manager of Chaplaincy Services -
Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST), a two-day interactive workshop in suicide first aid. More information is at:
QPR Training
QPR stands for Question, Persuade, and Refer — the 3 simple steps anyone can learn to help save a life from suicide.
Just as people trained in CPR and the Heimlich Maneuver help save thousands of lives each year, people trained in QPR learn how to recognize the warning signs of a suicide crisis and how to question, persuade, and refer someone to help. QPR can be learned in the Gatekeeper training in as little as one hour. More information is at
Contact: Robin Bourgeois- Teacher Consultant Berrien RESA -
Yellow Ribbon Suicide Prevention Program for Youth
The United Health Services Suicide Prevention Center in Granger Indiana is able to facilitate the Yellow Ribbon Suicide Prevention Program for schools in Berrien County. Yellow Ribbon is a Middle School or High School Program that teaches teens that it's ok to ask for help and educates youth on the warning signs, risk factors, and making a plan for preparedness. This presentation is given in a health class or smaller setting (presentations vary due to hybrid school plans and offerings). Visit for more detailed information the program.
Contact: Kent Laudeman - United Health Services Suicide Prevention Center - 574-314-5426 -
Veteran-Specific Gatekeeper Suicide Prevention training (SAVE)
An online course from PsychArmor® developed in collaboration with the Department of Veterans Affairs will help you develop a general understanding of the problem of suicide in the United States; how to identify a Veteran who may be at risk for suicide; and, finally, what to do if you identify a Veteran at risk. Each of us has the opportunity to be that one person who makes a difference--the person who asks the question that can save a Veteran's life, or the life of anyone struggling with the thoughts of suicide.
The free course takes about 18 minutes to complete. You can find more information and register for the course at this link.
Mental Health Training Available in Berrien County from Spectrum Health Lakeland
(To find out more about these programs, call toll-free (866) 260-7544 or email them at
Trauma 101: Introduction to Trauma
During this course, participants will learn how to define toxic stress, trauma, and trauma-informed care and begin to recognize signs of developmental trauma. Topics covered include Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), impact on development, long-term health implications of traumatic experiences, the importance of self-care, and more. Typically, this course is delivered in two hours; however, it can be adjusted to fit the need of the group/organization.
Length: 2 hours minimum; 4 hours maximum -Suggested Prerequisite: None
Adverse Childhood Experiences: The Implications for Population Health
This program explores the Adverse Childhood Experiences study and the biology of adversity. Participants will learn about the science of trauma, the implications of childhood trauma on long-term health, epigenetics, and building resilience.
Length: 2 hours - Suggested Prerequisite: None
Mental Health Crises and Awareness: An Introduction
This two-hour session provides participants with an introduction to common signs and symptoms of mental illness. Participants will be introduced to tools that they as community members can use to assist a person they believe may be experiencing a crisis. Focus will also be given to local mental health resources and future educational opportunities surrounding the topic of mental wellness.
Length: 2 hours - Suggested Prerequisite: Trauma 101 or Adverse Childhood Experiences
Community Resiliency Model
The Community Resiliency Model® (CRM) is a biologically-based trauma intervention designed for
community members who need information about trauma and coping skills but who have limited access to mental health resources. CRM® teaches skills for self-care to balance the nervous system of those
impacted by personal or community-level trauma (such as violence, poverty, racism, and homophobia).
Participants will receive tools they can immediately implement as well as learn about future events for
gaining deeper understanding of the model.
Length: Introduction: 2 hours
Workshops: 3-5 hours
Full Training: 1-2 Days
Suggested Prerequisites: Trauma 101 or Adverse Childhood Experiences and Mental Health First Aid or Mental Health Crises and Awareness
Mental Health First Aid
In the Mental Health First Aid course, participants learn risk factors and warning signs for mental health and addiction concerns, strategies for how to help someone in both crisis and non-crisis situations, and where to turn for help. Youth MHFA is designed for those who work with youth while Adult MHFA is for those who work with adults.
Length: 8 hours (one 8-hour session or two 4-hour sessions) - Suggested Prerequisite: Trauma 101 or Adverse Childhood Experiences